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January 2010 February 2010
The One.
Irfan Iezran.
FOURteen already.
Soccer is my everything.
Life is good. (:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010!
HandWritten on: 4:43 AM

The day started off well just now. I planned to revise for my higher mother tongue in the bus but unfortunately, the lights were spoiled and it did not lit up. So, i decided to listen to music but the battery was low. Then, i text Nana. She replied me quite fast and I think it's normal for short people to react quickly.

By the time i reached school, our conversation had finished and i was just in time for the assembly. Everything was alright in class except for the first period. The CA1 test was so hard that it was impossible for me to get a perfect score. All the question were so difficult and that makes me think whether it was meant for the upper secondary.

Six hours later, our match against Tanjong Katong Secondary School starts and we had a good game. Unfotunately we conceded a goal but we managed to break through their defence thrice. I was motivated to play when the VS students and even teachers came to support us. Our team
work and the desire to win had helped us to win against them.

Our next match would be next Thursday and I hope we could gain a victory again. The day ended off well today and I hope the same too tomorrow.