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January 2010 February 2010
The One.
Irfan Iezran.
FOURteen already.
Soccer is my everything.
Life is good. (:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010!
HandWritten on: 4:43 AM

The day started off well just now. I planned to revise for my higher mother tongue in the bus but unfortunately, the lights were spoiled and it did not lit up. So, i decided to listen to music but the battery was low. Then, i text Nana. She replied me quite fast and I think it's normal for short people to react quickly.

By the time i reached school, our conversation had finished and i was just in time for the assembly. Everything was alright in class except for the first period. The CA1 test was so hard that it was impossible for me to get a perfect score. All the question were so difficult and that makes me think whether it was meant for the upper secondary.

Six hours later, our match against Tanjong Katong Secondary School starts and we had a good game. Unfotunately we conceded a goal but we managed to break through their defence thrice. I was motivated to play when the VS students and even teachers came to support us. Our team
work and the desire to win had helped us to win against them.

Our next match would be next Thursday and I hope we could gain a victory again. The day ended off well today and I hope the same too tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010!
HandWritten on: 3:32 AM

The incident that stands out most distinctly in my life is not a pleasant one, but the saddest in my life. The incident has made such an impression on my life that I can remember the vivid details whenever I recall what happened. The incident which haunt me till now is the passing of my beloved grandfather.

He was my father's father and had gone through hard times all his life; made harder when his wife passed away 40 years ago. He was stern and disciplinarian according to my father but he completely spoiled us - his grandchildren.

He had been terminally ill for about a year and knew all about his illness. He used to talk about death and tell his childhood stories. Even though it is hard for me to understand his language because he is a javanese, my dad would always translate it and all those experience made me realised how fortunate I am right now. He neither feared it nor welcomed it but he was always ready for the death.

He refused to stay in the hospital even though his children had persuaded him several times. In fact, I remember that during the year of his illness, our entire lives revolved around him. He would still smile in front of us even though i knew that he was feeling the pain.

A Sunday, he called his eldest son, my eldest uncle, and told him that he was expecting to die that day. My uncle told him to cool down and prayed to god while he recite the holy quran to him. Calmly, he lie there and told him to informed his children to be independant and also stay together as a family. After the midnight had strucked passed, our family was told that he had left us. Everyone could feel the pain and even the young ones. Then I went out to the hall to console myself about my great loss. Till now, after seven years i still couldn't forget it. No matter what religious leaders and philosophers say, you just don't reconcile yourself to the death of someone you love so much. You just can't.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010!
HandWritten on: 2:34 AM

Indeed it is an unhappy state to be in to be attracted to a girl so much and yet not have the guts to walk up and talk to her. I am in such an unhappy state. She is a year older than me and is a student in the girls' school next to mine. We meet everyday at the bus stop and sometimes takes the same bus to school. She alights one bus stop after me and I have no idea where she lives.

How does she look like? She is tall and slim and has a very fair complexion, even for a typical
malay girl. She has a long flowing hair which she tied up neatly. She is a simple person and obviously a studios type. She wears white rimmed spectacle and always has a book with her, which she reads even on bus. She has dimples on both her cheeks and has a friendly disposition. When she walks, she look straight ahead. So far, I have not even been able to meet her eyes. Therefore, I am not sure whether she knows I am on this planet.
At first, I could not make any inquiries about her because to do so would mean that I have to talk to one of her friends, and I do not know any of them. Then one day, Danesha got down at the same bus stop as she did. Danesha is a boy in the same class as me and I am acquainted with him. I casually asked him about her. " Hey, you interested in her or what?" he blurted out cheekily in front of a few of my friends. Now that embarassed me and I wanted to strangle Danesha. Anyway, he told me all that he knew. Her parens were strict and disapproved of any friendship with boys. Danesha hinted that the only way I could get to her was to go for sex change operation first- the parents were that strict. I swallowed as the situation looks helpless.
I asked Danesha about her movements and all he could tell was that she goes to school and comes back by herself. Everywhere else she goes with her mother. The only chance I get to talk to her was when she goes to school or goes back home. This i dare not to do because of the hundreds over schoolmates of her and ine who always seem to be around. Things do look impossible. In fact the only way I could solve this whole situation is to forget about it and look elsewhere. Well, I am not about to. All the girls beside her look so insignificant and I cannot stop admiring her. Perhaps, I hope that one day I will fin dthe courage to walk up to her and say: "Hello Nana, I am Iezran. I want to be your friend." Until then I can hope and dream, can't I?


Monday, January 18, 2010!
HandWritten on: 4:17 AM

Dusk fell as i sauntered back home from school. Exhausted after a long, hectic and weary day at school, i wished that i was just a step away from home.

As i trudged along the cold, hard, cement floor of my block of flats, a shiny object lying motionlessly on the ground caught my attention. Overwhelmed with curiosity, I picked it up and examined it. I was shocked for a moment when i realised that it resembled my sister's phone. I tried to think of some other possibilities to confirm that it was her's but I just couldn't get to turn it on because the battery was flat.

Feeling disheartened, i brought that phone back with me back home so that i could charge it and find the owner. Just as I was about to enter my house, I heard a sobbing sound near the staircase. It sounded familliar. As i was an inquisitive guy, i tried to find out who that person was. To my surprised, it was my sister! I tried to ask her what had happened but to no avail.

After she managed to regained back her composure, she explained to me that she had lost her handphone and was scared to go back home. After hearing her explanation, i remembered about the phone that I found. As i was about to show it to her, she quickly asked how i got that phone. I told her about it and she was certain that it was her's because she had forgotten to charged it and furthermore she realised that she lost it once she was on the lift.

Then, she immediately appologised to me and promised that she would not be careless anymore. After that lesson, she felt very stupid that she was ignorant to the surroundings and should be more careful next time. I was pissed off with her attitude but i didn't told my mum about it because when i reflect back on what she had done, it made me realised that i also used to experience that. So, as a kind and understanding brother, i decided to let her off this time.

Saturday, January 16, 2010!
HandWritten on: 6:58 PM

Friday, 15 January 2010, became a day I could never forget. After a long night sleep, I started the day with a smile on my face. On that day, I planned to be going on a simple bike ride with a friend. After waking up, I called my friend and planned the ride. We planned the ride to a place in town that we had never seen before. The ramp had pictures screamed out with colour, and that features made it looks cool and unusual. The ramp had pictures of animals drawn on it. Then, we both challenged each other to go off the ramp. Agreeing to go off the ramp at the same time, we headed for it at our fullest speed. As we picked up our speed, we noticed a large swirling mass of light on the ramp. Trying to stop, we were thrown out from our bikes into the mass of light. Next, we woke up from our fall and noticed that we were in a warped dimension that was dominated by animals, and humans were the animal's pets and slaves. We realised that if we did not turn around and leave, we would be trapped forever. As we turned, my friend noticed the porthole of light closing. Fortunately, we managed to returned through the porthole just in time before it had closed. just as we entered the real world, I heard aloud buzzing sound. It was a dream! I was relieved after I gained back my conciousness and gave a slight smile. It all felt too real to forget it.